List of events supported by POOL

• Mouse move

to onmousemove :mousepos :buttons

Mouse has moved.

:mousepos - the new position of the mouse;
:buttons - code of the pressed buttons: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right; code is a logical sum of flags of individual buttons if many buttons are pressed simultaneously.

• Mouse button pressed

to onmousedown :mousepos :button

Mouse button was pressed.

:mousepos - position of the mouse;
:button - code of the pressed button: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right.

• Mouse button released

to onmouseup :mousepos :button

Mouse button was released.

:mousepos - position of the mouse;
:button - code of the released button: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right.

• Mouse click

to onmouseclick :mousepos :button

Mouse button was pressed and released shortly.

:mousepos - position of the mouse;
:button - code of the used button: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right.

• Mouse double-click

to onmousedblclick :mousepos :button

Mouse button was pressed and released shortly twice.

:mousepos - position of the mouse;
:button - code of the used button: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right.

• Turtle was clicked with the mouse

to onturtleclicked :mousepos :button

Mouse button was pressed over a turtle (in a distance less than radius from the position of a turtle).

:mousepos - position of the mouse;
:button - code of the used button: 1 - left, 2 - middle, 4 - right.

• Key pressed

to onkeydown :code :key :modifiers

Keyboard key was pressed.

:code - key code (a number);
:key - key name (a word);
:modifiers - code of a modifier key: 1 - Shift, 2 - Alt, 4 - Control, code is a logical sum of flags of individual buttons if many buttons are pressed simultaneously.

• Key released

to onkeyup :code :key :modifiers

Keyboard key was released.

:code - key code (a number);
:key - key name (a word);
:modifiers - code of a modifier key: 1 - Shift, 2 - Alt, 4 - Control, code is a logical sum of flags of individual buttons if many buttons are pressed simultaneously.

• Collision of two turtles

to onturtlecollided :turtle :vdir :dist

Two turtles were closer than the sum of their radius values. Collision event automatically raises the interaction event (oninteraction) - first on the turtle which was hit (:turtle), and thein on the turtle which is executing onturtlecollided function. Function onturtlecollided has to return a numerical value, which will be passed to the function oninteraction in the argument :mag (for example, this value can have a meaning of energy transferred in the collision).

:turtle - a turtle which was hit in the collision;
:vdir - unit vector of the direction to the turtle which was hit;
:dist - distance between turtles.

• Interaction with another turtle

to oninteraction :vdir :mag :drest :turtle

Turtle was interacting with another turtle.

:vdir - unit vector of the interaction "force" direction;
:mag - value passed in the interaction;
:drest - remaining distance to do if the interaction happened before the turtle has finished its step or position changing instructions;
:turtle - another turtle which takes part in the interaction.

• Collision with the graphics window edge

to onwallcollided :vdir :drest :wall

Turtle was closer to the edge than its radius value. Implementation of this function replaces the default function of the bounce mode.

:vdir - unit vector of the direction to the edge;
:drest - remaining distance to do if the collision happened before the turtle has finished its step or position changing instructions;
:wall - edge code: 1 - left, 2 - right, 3 - top, 4 - bottom.

• Change of the position of the edge of the graphics window

to onworldchanged :walls

Coordinate of the edge(s) has changed, e.g. window size has changed or drawing scale or center were changed.

:walls - array of coordinates of the window edges: {left right top bottom}.

See also:

Event and signal handling functions

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